diagnosis and management of multiple sclerosis in children


mohammad reza najafi 1. department of neurology, isfahan university of medical sciences, isfahan, iran 3. isfahan neurosciences research centre (inrc), isfahan university of medical sciences, isfahan, iran

mohammad amin najafi 2. medical student, isfahan university of medical sciences, faculty of medicine, isfahan, iran 3. isfahan neurosciences research centre (inrc), isfahan university of medical sciences, isfahan, iran

zahra nasr 2. medical student, isfahan university of medical sciences, faculty of medicine, isfahan, iran


how to cite this article: najafi mr, najafi ma, nasr z. diagnosis and management of multiple sclerosis in children. iran j child neurol. summer 2016; 10(3): 13-23. abstract growing evidence indicates the safety and well toleration of treatment by disease-modifying in children suffering multiple sclerosis (ms). the treatment is not straight forward in a great number of patients, thus patients with pediatric ms must be managed by experienced specialized centers. common treatments of multiple sclerosis for adults are first-line therapies. these therapies (firstline) are safe for children. failure in treatment that leads to therapy alteration is almost prevalent in pediatric ms. toleration against current second-line therapies has been shown in multiple sclerosis children. oral agents have not been assessed in children ms patients. although clinical trials in children are insufficient, immunomodulating managed children, experience a side effect similar to the adult ms patients. however, further prospective clinical studies, with large sample size and long follow-up are needed to distinguish the benefits and probable side effects of pediatric ms therapies.   references julian l, serafin d, charvet l, ackerson j, benedict r, braaten e, et al. cognitive impairment occurs in children and adolescents with multiple sclerosis results from a united states network.j child neurol 2013;28(1):102-7. inaloo s, haghbin s. multiple sclerosis in children. iran j child neurol 2013;7(2):1-10. epub 2014/03/26. patel y, bhise v, krupp l. pediatric multiple sclerosis. ann indian acad neurol 2009;12(4):238. saadatnia m, najafi mr, najafi f, davoudi v, keyhanian k, maghzi ah. cd24 gene allele variation is not associated with oligoclonal igg bands and igg index of multiple sclerosis patients. neuroimmunomodulation 2012;19(3):195-9. inaloo s, haghbin s. multiple sclerosis in children. iran j child neurol 2013 spring; 7(2): 1–10. jutta gartner ph. ms disease-modifying therapies in children: 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iranian journal of child neurology

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